We love clicker training! (more properly called Event Marker Training)
You can teach your llamas and alpacas all kinds of useful and fun behaviors AND the process of teaching these behaviors changes the relationship you have with your animal.<
The pouch is perfect for either carrots or grain treats, has a very sturdy french hinge and offers plenty of room. It is bigger and sturdier than most treat pouches designed for dogs and it is MADE IN THE USA specifically for Camelidynamics. The special mini feeding frisbee (one feeding dish included) is the perfect size for the pouch but big enough to entice shy animals.
Included is what we consider to be the best clicker for working with camelids and with an attached wrist coil. It makes a pleasing distinct click that you can hear easily outside and from a distance.
You can have loads of fun with clicker training AND you will become a person of interest with your animals – we have had numerous success with using clicker training with various animals with various issues and would highly recommend having a go!
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